Friday, August 23, 2013


1. What made you decide to come to Tyler?

2. What did/do your grandfathers and grandmothers do for a living?

3. If you were asked to make a mix CD for me with 10 of your favorite songs what would they be: 

1 _                                                                      6 _
2 _                                                                      7 _
3 _                                                                      8 _
4 _                                                                      9 _
5 _                                                                     10_

4. Describe your first memory

5. Describe an event, a moment, an experience in your life that truly moved you

6. Who are some of your favorite visual artists (painters, sculptors, graphic designers, fashion…)?

7. Name 3 of your favorite films/movies

8. Name one "guilty pleasure" (ie: a song you're embarrassed to like, an activity you love partaking in that you wouldn't tell anyone, etc)

9. Are you an extrovert or an introvert? Do you believe in that binary?

10. When you dream do you dream in color?

11. What is drawing?

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